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Florentin M. J. Bulot, Steven Johnston, Philip J Basford, Natasha H. C. Easton, Mihaela Apetroaie-Cristea, Gavin L. Foster, Andrew K. R. Morris, Simon J. Cox & Matthew Loxham, 2019, Scientific Reports, 9, 1-13
Type: article
J. Yu, L. Menviel, Z. D. Jin, D. J. R. Thornalley, G. L. Foster, E. J. Rohling, I. N. Mccave, J. F. Mcmanus, Y. Dai, H. Ren, F. He, F. Zhang, P. J. Chen & A. P. Roberts, 2019, Nature Communications, 10(1)
Type: article
Seginio Remmelzwaal, Sophie Dixon, Ian Parkinson, Daniela Schmidt, Fanny Monteiro, Philip Sexton, Manuela Fehr, Caroline Peacock, Yannick Donnadieu & Rachael James, 2019, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Type: article
E. Hywel Ewans , Jorge Pisonero, Claire M. M. Smith & Rex N Taylor, 2019, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34(5), 803-822
Type: article