

Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Dmitriy A. Berillo, Jonathan L. Caplin, Andrew B. Cundy & Irina N. Savina, 2019, Water Research, 153, 324-334
Type: article
Jonathan Dale, Andrew B. Cundy, Kate L. Spencer, Simon J. Carr, Ian W. Croudace, Heidi M. Burgess & David J. Nash, 2019, Science of the Total Environment, 660, 1419-1432
Type: article
Marcus P.S. Badger, Thomas B. Chalk, Gavin L. Foster, Paul R. Bown, Samantha J. Gibbs, Philip F. Sexton, Daniela N. Schmidt, Heiko Pälike, Andreas Mackensen & Richard D. Pancost, 2019, Climate of the Past, 15(2), 539-554
Type: article
R.J. Lunn, Andrew Cundy, M. Pedrotti, Jamie M. Purkis, A. Pegano, J. Renshaw, A. Karampourniotisa, L. Lee-Brewin, D. Read, S. Elisio, M. Joyce & L. Van de Perre, 2019
Type: conference