Magnetic Resonance

About us

Discover what we do and how we carry out our research.

The Magnetic Resonance section combines a broad and complementary expertise in magnetic resonance research spanning from the dynamics of nuclear spins to the understanding of the biological processes that regulate our lives. 

Magnetic resonance in Southampton is organized as a research section within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and joins together: 

  • the research groups of Prof. Malcolm H.  Levitt, Prof. Ilya Kuprov, Dr. Giuseppe Pileio (Head of the Section) and Dr. Marina Carravetta based in Chemistry
  • the research groups of Prof. Philip T. Williamson and Prof. Jöern M. Werner, based in Biological Sciences
  • the group of Prof. Jonathan Swann, based in Medicine. 

The Section also benefits from the contributions of Emeritus Prof. James W. Emsley and the research engineer Dr. Marek Plata as well as the inestimable enthusiasm and dedication of several postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.