Magnetic Resonance

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PhD opportunities 

We are constantly looking for brilliant people who want to undertake a PhD program with us. If you are interested in getting expertise and hand-on experience in one of our research areas and want to embark in a PhD adventure with one of us, please contact us using our contact details below. 

Post-doctoral Research Jobs 

No open positions are available right now. Check this page frequently for open positions. 


Dr. Giuseppe Pileio (Head of Magnetic Resonance Section) 

Fax:02380593781 (specify to the attention of Giuseppe Pileio) 
Email:[email protected] 
Postal address: 
University of Southampton, Chemistry, 
University Road, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, UK, 
Building 27, room 2025 

Dr. Marek Plata (Research Engineer) 

Email:[email protected] 
Postal address: 
University of Southampton, Chemistry, 
University Road, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, UK, 
Building 27, room 1089 

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