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Emily M. Troyer, Kory M. Evans, Christopher H.R. Goatley, Matt Friedman, Giorgio Carnevale, Benjamin Nicholas, Matthew Kolmann, Katherine Bemis & Dahiana Arcila,
2024, Evolution, 78(11), 1869–1882
Type: article
Ian D. Williams, Maria Neophytou & Androniki Maragkidou,
Type: book
Morten B. Andersen, Joel B. Kubby, Heye Freymuth, Flurin Vils, Michelle Harris, Kari Cooper, Damon A.H. Teagle & Tim Elliott,
2024, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 382, 142-159
Type: article
Damon Teagle, Stephen Turnock, Lindsay-Marie Armstrong, Seyedvahid Vakili, Wassim Dbouk, Panos Manias & Malcolm J. Wright,
DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/PP0064
Type: report