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Hugo Putuhena, David White, Susan Gourvenec & Fraser Sturt,
2023, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 182
Type: article
Alexandra Karamitrou, Fraser Sturt & Petros Bogiatzis,
2023, Remote Sensing, 15(8)
DOI: 10.3390/rs15082030
Type: article
Alexandra Karamitrou, Fraser Sturt, Petros Bogiatzis & David Beresford-Jones,
2022, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 10(4)
Type: article
David G. Beresford-Jones, David Friesem, Fraser Sturt, Alexander Pullen, George Chauca, Justin Moat, Manuel Gorriti, Patricia Maita, Delphine Jolly, Oliver Huaman, Kevin Lane & Charles French,
2022, Quaternary Science Reviews, 285, 1-25
Type: article