Research project

N Garcia-Araez - FunRedox EPSRC Fellowship


Lead researchers

Professor Nuria Garcia-Araez


Research interests

  • Batteries
Connect with Nuria

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Nuria Garcia-Araez, Yu-Chuan Chien, He Li, John Lampkin, Stephen Hall, William Brand & Daniel Brandell, 2022, Batteries and Supercaps, 5(7)
Type: article
Min Zhang, Sacha Fop, Denis Kramer, Nuria Garcia-Araez & Andrew L. Hector, 2022, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(21), 11587 - 11599
Type: article
He Li, John Lampkin, Yu-Chuan Chien, Liam Furness, Daniel Brandell, Matthew Lacey & Nuria Garcia-Araez, 2022, Electrochimica Acta, 403
Type: article
Arghya Bhowmik, David Carrasco-Busturia, Piotr Jankowski, Rinaldo Raccichini, Nuria Garcia-Araez & Juan María García-Lastra, 2022, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(1), 40-47
Type: article