Magnetic Resonance


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James Whipham, Gamal Moustafa, Mohamed Sabba, Weidong Gong, Christian Bengs & Malcolm H. Levitt, 2022, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(10)
Type: article
Topaz A. A. Cartlidge, Thomas B. R. Robertson, Marcel Utz & Giuseppe Pileio, 2022, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126(34), 6536-6546
Type: article
Tanzeeha Jafari, George Razvan Bacanu, Anna Shugai, Urmas Nagel, Mark Walkey, Gabriela Hoffman, Malcolm H. Levitt, Richard J. Whitby & Toomas Rõõm, 2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(17), 9943-9952
Type: article
2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(14), 8321-8328
Type: article
Boris Kharkov, Xueyou Duan, Jyrki JS Rantaharju, Mohamed Sabba, Malcolm H. Levitt, James W. Canary & Alexej Jerschow, 2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(12), 7531-7538
Type: article